Abra Code Abra



Transform tickets to PR as if by magic! Perfect code reviews, swift scaffolding, seamless README updates, comprehensive impact assessments, and rapid bug detection, all powered by our AI developer.



Automating release notes

v5.3.1 - Patch



Automating release notes

v5.3.1 - Patch

Welcome aboard!

1 hour ago

Codebase onboarding

Map of microservice architecture

Answer generated

1 minute ago

OAuth code refactor

Navigate to src/components/auth..

Alert: P1 - Incident



Elevated errors around the order service

Alert: P1 - Incident



Elevated errors around the order service

Cosine bot

reviewed 18 hours ago
File diff

Updated documentation

Project Omicron

Creating Users

Updated documentation

Project Omicron

Creating Users



Automating release notes

v5.3.1 - Patch

Whats changed this week

1 minute ago

Report - Repository Refactor

Estiamted time saved with automations: 347 hours

Whats changed this week

1 minute ago

Report - Repository Refactor

Estiamted time saved with automations: 347 hours


20 minutes ago

Test completed

Semantic Validation

(27) All tests have passed

Impact Assetment

(2/10) PR blocked due to increased surface area. Extra review needed


20 minutes ago

Test completed

Semantic Validation

(27) All tests have passed

Impact Assetment

(2/10) PR blocked due to increased surface area. Extra review needed



Automating release notes

v5.3.1 - Patch

Welcome aboard!

1 hour ago

Codebase onboarding

Map of microservice architecture

Answer generated

1 minute ago

OAuth code refactor

Navigate to src/components/auth..

Alert: P1 - Incident



Elevated errors around the order service

Cosine bot

reviewed 18 hours ago
File diff

Updated documentation

Project Omicron

Creating Users

Whats changed this week

1 minute ago

Report - Repository Refactor

Estiamted time saved with automations: 347 hours


20 minutes ago

Test completed

Semantic Validation

(27) All tests have passed

Impact Assetment

(2/10) PR blocked due to increased surface area. Extra review needed

Magically build your team

Want unlimited AI engineers?

Instead of hiring more human engineers, Cosine allows you to automate tasks or complete complex coding projects autonomously as if you’ve hired more engineers.

Tidy up my additional-file-fetching-3 script into a class rather than a script
Seamless workflows

Witness total Integration

Cosine integrates seamlessly into apps and workflows that you already use. Whether it’s Linear, Confluence, Slack or Notion, we work where you work.

Reasons to try Cosine now

As if by magic

Get Started

Supports any codebase

Automate tasks and ask any question across multiple codebases of any language. Uniquely, Cosine supports polyrepo codebases, providing context from across your entire organization.

Cross-Repo Support

Superhuman code understanding

With best in class semantic indexing, interlinked with other heuristics such as codebase graphs, embeddings and LLM powered search, Cosine understands every line of code, change and concept in any repo. It even mimics your team’s style.

Deep Indexing

We vanquished LLM wrappers

We are not just a GPT-4 wrapper, this is a real model that has been trained on billions of tokens of real developer tasks. It doesn’t just behave like a developer - it is a developer.

Custom Model

✨ features

Automations that make your work feel magical

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Auto generated

Creating PR#483 from issue

Ticket Comments

Direct Cosine to any ticket and it will automatically generate a full plan on how to complete it

✨ feature

Sumarizing becf0d2e to c135b1ef

Understanding changes

Natural Language Rules

Set criteria for any type of PR by instructing Cosine in English. Vague or specific, Cosine gets it.

✨ feature

Slash Commands

Magnus Kino • 7 Feb

Low risk

Impact Assessment

Asses and manage potentially dangerous changes that could lead to downtime

✨ feature

Start automating tasks in a few clicks

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Your own Cosine

Enterprise Deployment

Cosine is used by developers at investment banks, commodity trading companies, and billion dollar consumer companies. From this feedback we’ve built Cosine’s architecture to be super flexible.We’re always happy to talk about how we can fit your unique requirements.


On premises deployments


Virtual Private Cloud setup


Finetune on your codebase


Open source model support

Developers rely on Cosine

Automate everything

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